Mark Schaefer on Building a Sonic Boom and the Future of Marketing

Mark Schaefer, marketing futurist and 9X best-selling author, speaker, podcaster and professor sits down with Aaron Hassen to discuss the future of marketing and his recent book, Cumulative Advantage.

Topics covered in this video:

00:59 - Why marketing is the most human profession.
02:25 - What gets Mark Schaefer up in the morning?
04:11 - Mark's secret for helping people learn.
05:40 - Why Tim Ferris' momentum led to meeting Oprah, and Mark's led to meeting Gayle.
09:48 - How to make yourself more available to breakthrough moments.
13:41 - The negative impact of remote work on innovation.
15:25 - How to improve your market timing.
17:22 - How to create a Sonic Boom for launching ideas.
20:30 - How Mark is able to see ahead of trends.
25:03 - Why Mark is betting on web3.
29:38 - What will be the next marketing rebellion?
31:32 - The $RISE of NFTs and the tokenized economy.
34:00 - Mark on his chances of actually meeting Oprah

Video mentions include: Dr. Phillip Kotler, Tim Ferris, Joe Fernandez, Klout, Steve Rayson, Buzzsumo, Rutgers University, Frans Johansson, Alcoa, Rally, Mathew Sweezey, AOL, Oprah Winfrey, Gayle King


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